Pepron Phone: Elisa Ring Zendesk integration

With Pepron's integration Elisa Ring mobile switchboard blends into your workflow. Add phone alongside other channels in Zendesk.

Please let the video concretize the value of this Zendesk app.

Features in individual videos

Signing in through the Zendesk app

Inbound call

Setting agent status

 Outbound call

Caller phone number is not found

All phone calls create tickets

Answered, unanswered and out of office hours phone calls managed via the most suitable channels for your use case

Unknown caller

New user profile is created. Caller's other contact information can be supplemented during the call


Phone calls embedded as a part of other reporting. See for example, which channels create the most pressure and which are the most cost-effective

Phone calls targeted at Zendesk end users

Asiakkaan kontaktitietojen perusteella saapuneet puhelut kohdistuvat tämän alle automaattisesti

All particular end user's phone calls, emails, chats, Facebook and WhatsApp messages, etc. can be found easily under the same end user profile

Outbound call

Agent can choose if the call is appended to an existing ticket or if a new ticket is created


Pepron Phone App

15 € / agent / month

  • Contact us and let's discuss more
  • Please note that prices are subject to change without notice

Integrations & Consultancy

Free 2 hour assessment to scope need /

  • Fixed price project offer after assessment
  • Tailored and Custom made Apps offer on request